Member fees

To get access to the network service you must accept the network service bill (Downloads). There you can find the registration formula. That you must sign and hand out to a member of the network team.

Registration fee: 5.00 EUR
Network fee: 10.00 EUR

Further informations

Registration:  Network registration
WiFi: WiFi Tutorial
Support:  Network Support



Im Heimrat sind mehrere Personen ehrenamtlich tätig, um den Bewohnern eine angenehme Gemeinschaftsatmosphäre zu bieten. Dafür hat der Heimrat Verantwortliche für unterschiedlichste Bereiche des Gemeinschaftslebens. Die Liste dazu kann im Foyer des Wohnheims eingesehen werden. 

Der Heimrat ist auch in der Lage euch in eine WhatsApp-Gruppe einzuladen, in der ihr aktuelle Informationen bekommt. Neben der WhatsApp-Gruppe gibt es einen E-Mail-Verteiler, in den jeder automatisch eingetragen wird, sobald er sich beim Netzwerkteam angemeldet hat.

Who we are?

The student's council is taking responsibility to manage internal affairs of the dorm. We are also in posession of a few keys to the public rooms in the dorm. Information on who has got what key can be obtained from the list in the main hall, next to the main entrance and our homepage. The council is elected once a year by all tennants. Everyone who is interested can become a candidate. The council holds meetings every other week in the Tee-Stube (community room), that may be visited by anyonue.
And by the way: most of us are capable of understanding the English language. So please don't hesitate to contactanyone of us. In the worst case you will be led to someone who can interpret. :)


Laundry Room

On the 2nd floor opposite to room 214 you can find the laundry room with 3 washing machines, 2 electric driers as well as a centrifuge. While the centrifuge can be used for free, a washing or drying cycle costs €1,60.

A few hints:

  • The machines are numbered from right to left
  • Please don't overfill the machines with detergent.
  • Don't leave your detergent on the machines. Otherwise they will wind up on the floor due to machine vibrations.
  • Please write your name on your drying rack and only put it up when it is needed.



In the case that you are too lazy to cook, here is a list of alternatives. During lunchtime you can eat at the cafeteria, the Diner Pronto Pronto (next to the university) or in town. Delivery is also an option.
If you don't get over the minimum ordering amount or you just don't want to eat all by yourself, why not ask in the chat if someone is interested. Most of the time you will find one, two or more people.


Oven room

If you prefer making your meals all by yourself, but you feel handicapped by the limited space in your own kitchen, why don't you use the oven room. Located on the ground floor (opposite to room 114) it offers 4 heating plates as well as 4 ovens to choose from.
The ovens can be activated with a key. The holders of the keys can be found on the list in the main hall.Please be aware that smoking is prohibited in this room. Also, please keep the room tidy.



Are you feeling like having a BBQ? No problem. We have got a barbecue grill behind the house. The appropriate grids can be obtained for a fortfeit of €20, which will be returned after you bring back the clean grids.


Fuse blown?

Suddenly standing in the dark? No electricity anymore? No problem. Four of the council's members have got a key to the fuse boxes.


Damage Notification

The simplest way to get rid of a damage in your room is to let others take care of it. :) That's exactly what you can do. Go to our homepage, click on „Links“ and then on „Damage Notification“. The janitor will take care of everything else.



Right next to the main entrance you can find the Tee-Stube, our community room. Something is going on there almost every night. No wonder with the activities it offers: darts, table soccer and board games can be played. You can watch a movie on the projector or just enjoy a beer after all that hard work. We offer a wide variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
If you would like to drink something, just take it out of the fridge and put your name and room number on the list next to it. You can keep track of your dues via the homepage. There you will also receive information on what to do, to get rid of them.


Network Team

If you own a computer you can apply for network access with the network team. Once applied you can enjoy the benefits of networking such as playing network games or searching other peoples shares.
Being part of the network also grants you access to the internet (currently you have to pay a 5€ registration fee and a 10€ network fee).
For further information please check the NWT-board in the main hall or look at the homepage.