To gain access to our WiFi you need an extra password from our internal system. The credentials for that can you get on WLAN und Getränke or on the old page.

Credentials on the old website Credentials on the new website


Main Access

The main access to our network is through a cable (LAN) or with Radio (WiFi). The main wifi network has a special security policy. For that you need the following settings:

SSID: Dukegat
Password: *********
Security standard: WPA/WPA2 Enterprise
EAP-method / authentication: PEAP
Encryptions standard: MSCHAP v2
Certificate: ignore

Old devices

Some devices can't connect to our main wifi network. To get them working you must write us an e-mail with your name, your appartement number and the MAC-address of you wifi device: Contact our network team. You than get an answer with credentials to login into this WiFi.

SSID: DukegatLegacy
Pre-Shared-Key (PSK): *********
Security: WPA/WPA2 PSK

Download HowTo

You can download an HowTo in our Download-Center.